Look at those flowers!
I was privileged to enjoy them in my back yard for over 25 years.
In the beginning there were only a few.
Then, they seemed to be everywhere.
I know it's only a photo. And
It's one of those, "You just had to be there" scenes.
Outside my family, few people on this planet
Have ever, or Will ever, see them.
They're probably more special to me than anyone else.
But I enjoyed their ode to life in praise of their Creator, every day, rain or shine.
I longed to be able to worship with their passion and panache.
I miss their beckoning on a summer's day, "Come; join us in the breeze."
They danced without a worry in the world. And they were beautiful.
I'm certainly not that pretty. Besides,
I'm not carefree.
I worry.
On top of that, I try to hide my worry.
I attempt to make problems go away with worry. But Silly me.
Has that approach ever solved anything?
I should learn to think more like my wildflowers and ditch fretting.
Worry may be ‘only human’ But it can produce unwanted consequences everywhere.
And FAR worse than the things I worry about?
Worry isn’t just flawed logic, It blocks Faith.
Thus preventing me from pleasing God.
Maybe THAT is something I SHOULD worry about!
Just kidding!
Two things please God: 1) Believing He exists and 2) That He rewards belief.
To me, those are curious requirements! Yet
They are not optional.
Blessings await those who please God. And I cannot deny that he's been so kind, I want to do what He asks.
Worry less; trust more. Like a flower.
Did you know flowers trust?
A few questions from our
Creator paint a living picture
That beckons to us every day:
“If God gives so much attention to wildflowers, Most of which are never even seen, Don’t you think He will attend to you?
People who don’t know God fuss over Many things: power, possessions, problems. But YOU—you know God and how He works.
Don’t worry about missing out. Ask …… believing.
You will find that God will meet All your everyday human concerns.” (Matt 6:33)