Whenever I am out-and-about in public venues, I look to make someone smile or laugh, and show them I "see" them.
If I can make someone's day, that's even better.
Everyone has problems. Worries. Pain. People make mistakes and need forgivenesss. Maybe they feel they have in some way been a failure in life. Maybe it's just a bad day.
If I can show them I see them, that I care about them, not for anything they may have accomplished, or social status they may or may not have, but for who they are, a human just like me, shouldn't I?
I have the same Creator. His opinion is that I should love them.
Perhaps if I don't learn to see others, I may fail at the most important command I know I must accomplish; Jesus was in no way secretive about it. He made it clear that our life missions, simply put, are to love our neighbor as ourselves. If we follow this one command we will have fulfilled the law of God. His words, not mine.
In Luke 7:44, Jesus gave a powerful lesson on how to love more and judge far less. I have failed too many times the same way a Pharisee named Simon did on this occasion: I encourage you to read the whole incident: "Then Jesus turned toward the woman and asked, "Simon, do you see this woman?" Read the context; it's chilling.
I hope I can learn to see like Jesus and have the courage to cast away my prejudices and judgments and share at least a smile. There are far too many unhappy faces on unhappy people everywhere I go. I may not make a difference for all of them, but I might make a difference for one.
Maybe just telling you my story made a difference for you today. Who knows? But I think it was worth the try.
Copyright 2023 Gary Landerfelt MyPericope.com