AWAKENED FROM MY SLEEP by a security light outside I rose from my bed and stumbled through the silence of the bedroom. Groping for them in the chill and the dark, recalling where I'd placed them,
At last, I slipped out of the door with a handful of clothes and meandered down the hall.
I came to rest here at this keyboard filled with letters, symbols, and numbers.
At four a.m., I began to put them into words, then sentences, one after another. A familiar voice compelled me to tell the story of how so many of my days begin.
“Why share my thoughts?” I muttered. Who would want to read that?
"Perhaps coffee is a better choice!" I inhaled deeply at the familiar aroma.
And as I cozied the warm cup of calm to my lips, I noticed two unopened notes
Lying on my desktop, awaiting my attention.
Glad now for the interruption from peaceful slumber,
They were kind words from someone who had referred to me as “Dear Friend.”
The second was a thoughtful birthday card—my last for this year.
Two souls took the time to lift their countenance upon me in writing.
Among those handwritten wishes, my eyes fixed upon a quote;
A blessing from an eternal friend,
Penned by a mortal confidante who freely shared thoughts beautifully wrought.
And it occurred to me! Ah, yes, I remembered that I write for the sheer joy of it.
Not everyone is prompted to write. It is a way to leave a part of me forever.
And everyone has something unique and powerful inside. Besides,
My Creator is a writer who, with but a word, created worlds and creatures,
And me. He says his words will accomplish the reason they were sent.
Perhaps I should listen to every good prompt because of who gives them,
And send what's on my mind, if only for the good that may come of it.
As I felt that tugging in my heart, I prayed that I might lift someone
Like you. Like me. I could provide an answer to a question at the perfect moment.
Or just cause someone to smile,
Or reveal an important message from my Dear Old Friend, like this:
“May God give you the power to accomplish all the good things
Your faith prompts you to do.” (II Thess 1:11)
There, now. Maybe I can nap a while before dawn.
© Copyright January 2020. Gary Landerfelt,