IT’S OBVIOUS that my hometown’s roadways, originally designed for a maximum of six million in metro population, cannot handle ten million or more—plus all those big trucks. So motorists are left to their own critical thinking skills to solve their daily mobility problems. The top general consensus choice is more speed and less thinking. Here are a few examples:
If 65 is the posted speed limit, 90 or 100 will get you there quicker. Darting between lanes without signaling adds an interesting element of surprise. If the driver just ahead refuses to accelerate quickly enough to suit you, pass them, then suddenly jump in front of them and others to cross five lanes and grease the landing on the next exit. There. Four seconds of the day saved! They showed me. I admit I didn't know that a Tesla could move that fast.
Move over COVID19, A condition known as “Impatience2021” is far and away more contagious than anything the CDC ever tracked.
Why be patient when there's no time for that? Besides, one cannot use a turn signal indicator while on the phone. And to be efficient, we must talk on the phone and drive at the same time. Sometimes we tweet. The array of impatient behavior is unending. Unwilling to write a few random consonants? Instagram instead!
Driving isn't the only way post-Covid Impatience is demonstrated. Impulse quickly. Angry outbursts. Immediate information. Faster food (my pleasure). Hurry up. Get going; we’ll be late. I don't have time to tell you how to do this. Take some initiative and get back to me before you act! Microwave relationships. Multi-multi-tasking. Urgent care. Immediate care.
Does anybody care?
Everything must be done NOW. Where is Patience when we need her?
Nothing has tested today's efforts toward patience like the stir of controversy ever-swirling around a virus that won’t go away. We want herd immunity NOW. But we look to the government to fix our plight. They did it with polio and smallpox. And just as we are about to emerge into freedom and normalcy from the tyranny of fear, some political figure produces another "scientific" finding to frighten us.
Instead of seeking opportunities to unite, to be patient with each other, we join the blame game, which includes rage, arguing, fussing, denial, and fighting over how we should think and WHAT TO DO, thus making sure to separate us in the most hurtful of ways. Even a mask controversy separates us! We may fight with our family, friends, or strangers daily, but think, “What causes quarrels and conflicts among you, my brothers?” (James 4)
So what becomes of patience (forbearance)? That gentle power from the Holy Spirit—written about in such interesting ways. Do we ever wait to see what God instructs us to do?
Patience requires supernatural intervention and enabling. When we exhibit that we have it, we know that God has produced His fruit in us. Without The Spirit, we will produce nothing good.
The first demonstration of the lack of patience dates back to the day of the fall in Eden. On our own, we see the disappointing results, beginning with the first two. The fruit of choice should have been Patience. Impatience, the first bad impulse, produces death.
Without help, we will never exhibit true kindness, goodness, and other fruit from God, but only a feeble imitation. Our faith will wither. Can we remain so impatient and angry and still worship acceptably? We continue to fall for the same lie Adam and Eve did. We think God is holding out on us. There’s a better fruit God doesn’t want us to eat, and we should seize it and eat it now! We live in the aftershock of a lack of Patience.
The world is watching Christ’s representatives in action these days, just as always. They criticize us the way The Master said they would. Pray for Patience.
God will provide. Surely no believer would think that if we ask confidently anything of God, He would withhold things like Joy, Peace, Patience, or any other good thing from us. So remember our instructions: “Let Patience have her way, for when her work is finished, you will be perfect and complete, lacking nothing.” (refer to James 1)
Paul tells us: “This is why I was shown mercy so that Christ Jesus could show his endless patience to me first of all. So I’m an example for those who are going to believe in him for eternal life.” I Tim 1:16.
God will never withhold the best fruit from us. Eat of the fruit of Patience. Example it.
After all . . . we humans ARE what we eat!
©️Copyright 2021 Gary Landerfelt