Early, before the stirring, I lay out my broken ways, and how it seems that as time goes on I’m often too busy to get anything done well; I mostly make more mistakes, but he never mentions fixing me. Oh, he suggests ways to improve. I always hope to follow his counsel, yet seldom remember it very long.
I need to be fixed.
I hope to more consistently say, “Thank You” for thinking of me—for creating me the way I am. And for the fact that every day brings not less than one thing to be thankful for. He also reminds me to be grateful even when it seems bad things are coming, for God has made it clear that sometimes good things are hidden under an ugly cover. I should trust that he is there always. Maybe he really IS fixing me.
This Thanksgiving season brought MANY reasons for gratitude: family together, everyone is well and happy. Oh yes, and the birth of a grandson. He’s perfect, of course, and has amazing big blue eyes. My latest weakness! As we were gathered around the table, one of my sons-in-law offered a new Thanksgiving tradition to my delight (born in his family), “Name one thing you are truly thankful for.” I admit it was hard to limit it to one. I was proud as any man can be to listen to what came out of the mouths of every person at that table.
One may ask, "Why should it be limited to only one thing? Are there not many? "Try it! Limiting it to one is indeed hard, I was surprised to discover that what popped out of my mouth was the closest to my heart at that moment. It may be the all time closest.
There are enough blessings to prompt us to give thanks daily as the psalmist cued us, "It is good to say, Thank You to the Lord." But I discovered I don't. So, to remedy that I have begun to express my gratitude to him all throughout the day, the moment it pops into my head. Does it make a difference? As it turns out there is a growing body of research that shows there are many psychological benefits to being grateful, including feeling happier and lowering stress, depression, and anxiety. Something we could all use!
Not only that, but there is also scientific evidence that expressing genuine gratitude on a daily basis can improve physical health as well as quality of sleep, cardiovascular health, and immune function!
It really is GOOD to say, "Thank you" to the Lord.
Imagine that . . . something as simple as how we think about our lives and the people in them actually has a profound impact on our health! Looking for fixes? This one isn’t always easy at first, but what do you have to lose by trying it? Right now, I’m thankful for YOU.
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