THE MOST PEACEFUL and creative time of the day for me is dawn.
The air is fresher,
The light, gentler.
The quiet voice of, "Good morning!"
Dawn always whispers to be more grateful.
Not for more chances at ‘getting it right’ necessarily
But for the special moments to celebrate beginnings,
As it is written, “They are unique every morning.”
Dawn is silent and still
Except for the mighty impact of that bright star climbing in the East.
It always moves much more quickly than I realize.
And every night I wonder how it could be over already.
Dawn can mean the realization of
Something familiar which maybe we considered long ago.
That glimmer through the scattered clouds of our minds.
And we muse at why something we’ve always really known
Has never actually occurred to us to make it happen.
This morning it dawned on me that this
Dawn could be that rare golden opportunity to test our mettle;
And shine anew.
And a most curious thought came to my mind:
In the movie, Groundhog Day, Phil Conner asks a question we might do well
To ask ourselves occasionally—maybe every morning . . .
Especially if we find ourselves waking to the alarm radio and
Sonny and Cher are singing, “I’ve Got You Babe:”
"What would you do if you were stuck in one place,
And every day was exactly the same,
And nothing that you did mattered?"
I believe how you and I answer that question is our Dawn.
For now, I so look forward to seeing your beautiful light on the horizon.
© Copyright 2019, Gary Landerfelt,