ONE DAY I SET OUT with my two girls in the car.
A field trip with Dad to the grocery store.
The younger one was fussy,
Ya-know, kids will read and mirror parent frustration
And I was flustered from waking, feeding, cleaning up, and
Dressing the two of them.
“Remember to take extra clothes (just in case)”, I thought.
“And diapers. Oh! Don’t forget those again.”
“And wipes.”
On that day . . .
One girl was 3, the other 1, and I wished
I had paid closer attention to Mom’s organizational skills.
I spoke calmly to the both of them
Using my best, “This is going to be FUN” voice,
But they weren’t buying it.
First, I strapped ‘wiggler’ in, then turned to her sister,
“OK, hop up [into the seat]!”
She rolled her big eyes up at me, and with “the look,”
She began to hop up and down in place.
I melted with laughter; And,
I Hugged and kissed her as I buckled her in.
With that memory appearing from nowhere,
God reminds me today: That
MY words sometimes fail,
I’m not fastidious in how I use them.
God is dynamic with His words.
I felt a lesson coming on.
I should more carefully weigh the God-words I write.
Because I write about
Concepts from a greater mind
Born on a far higher plain;
Things I cannot completely understand,
Yet to read my work, it's as though I have special insight. So
God reminds me to be respectful, careful, and honest
In the way I represent Him. And myself.
I'm grateful and humbled at His gentle reminder:
“The way I think is beyond the way you think.” and “[My] words will not come back empty-handed. They’ll do the work I sent them to do, They’ll complete the assignment I gave them.” From: Isaiah 55:8-9
© Copyright March, 2020,