When my girls were little, they learned to play peek-a-boo
In a more sophisticated way.
Wikipedia says ‘hide-and-seek’ can be traced to Greece—
About 200 years before Christ. But we have evidence its origin is as old a mankind; “Adam, where are you?” And, then, on the cross, Jesus cried out for His Father As God had hidden himself. Hide-and-seek has many variations, even an adult version called, “Nascondino,” a huge Italian multi-nation annual competition. Each of us knows how to play it in our own unique way. Kids LOVE that game, and, well, it's fun for the whole family. And a great way to teach kids That even though Dad/Mom might not be visible at the moment, We’re here. And If you seek us, we may be found. (and you might win something special) When we first played it in our home, the kids couldn’t find me. After searching awhile, in a concerned voice, They would begin to call out for me, so I had to make it easier To be found. The first time the little one hid, I found her standing in plain view With her hands tightly covering her eyes. It was hard not to laugh! The older was more concerned that I played by the rules. Ha! She learned that sometimes I make my own rules on the fly . . . fun! But I regress. I hope we grownup children learn to play “seek” with God—again. Because we must. Did you know there are strict rules when seeking Him? And in His variation of the game there is a time limit. Read all about it! (Ish. 55: 6-13) However, If we seek according to His rules, there are amazing rewards. But first, we must learn to be a little child again and Choose to play the game, beginning with: “Seek the Lord while he may be found; Call on him while he is near.” (Ish. 55:6)
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