Every good and perfect gift comes from _____.
Sometimes it’s compassion
Or mercy;
Other times forgiveness and kind words. Even a warm smile, (though many find it so hard to do). And all gifts are to be generously given
The way God does. Talk to someone who is lonely. Compliment someone–truthfully. Don’t be shy. Laugh. LAUGH OUT LOUD—Folks, laughter is a gift from God! And . . . It is the very definition of “A Joyful Noise.” To do it you must use the breath God gives you. Listen to your children laugh. Is there any sweeter sound? So, do as Paul says: share your gifts. Even if YOU think, “That’s not a gift.” The gift you have,
The one you think isn't special,
Just may be the one
Someone so much needs today. And . . .
People need to experience the goodness of the Lord. Those gifts God placed inside you; “Keep [them] ablaze! God doesn’t want us to be shy with his gifts, But bold and loving and sensible.” II Timothy 1:7