You’re busy.
Aren’t we all?
Kids. Work. Bills. COVID?
So, I’ll be brief.
A new year is about to arrive;
Time to forget the old.
I've one question:
Do you recall the Sesame Street character,
“Forgetful Jones?”
“D’ooooh . . . I furgit!”
No matter how often he was reminded
Forgetful . . . forgot.
Well, in this season of resolutions,
We can easily forget the most important thing(s).
Like those resolutions!
Now, I’m here to remind us all of
. . . let’s see I had it on the tip of my tongue . . .
Oh yes! Here it is:
No, that's not it. Wait! Yes!!!
While we’re busy being busy, don’t ‘furgit’ to:
Give thanks.
There’s a verse or two in Philippians 4.
I furgit the exact words. But.
It goes something like this:
“Don’t worry about ANYthing.
Pray about EVERYthing.
Then remember to say, “Thank you” to God.
D’oh! And one last thing—
Don’t ‘furgit’ to read God’s promise
In verse 7. Shhhh. It’s a secret.
HEE hee. Gotcha!
IIIII’m-a kiddin’. It’s not a secret.
Read it now.
You furgit!
© March 2019, December 2020