Attempting to awaken fully at dawn, I noticed the sky
Just outside my window.
And stepping into the chill, I was frozen by the glow.
Suddenly alert, I ran back inside for my camera.
I snapped photos as quickly as I could
Darting first one way then the next, choosing several angles.
I wanted so badly to capture the grandeur,
All the while knowing that no camera is capable
(except the ones installed inside my head).
I stepped inside a few moments to review the images. Then walked back out to look again, but
The masterpiece was gone.
It seemed as though some shameful person had painted dark clouds
All over the canvas.
If I'd not seized the moment to capture that image of the glory
The opportunity would have been lost forever.
Such is everything in and on this wobbling orb!
A passing memory.
But a worthwhile one, nonetheless!
The vibranbce of the first fruits of a the day.
Now hidden by time and distance.
And a reminder: When parting from your children today,
Those first fruits of your life in this world,
Tell them you love them.
Leave them with the brilliant image that only you can.
Who knows?
It could be the memory they need one day
To ponder the passing of life,
And how they should
Seize the thought
That we all will shine like the Son forever, together again,
On a living canvas
That will never pass away.