COOL, CALM, AND COLLECTED, he pretended he didn’t know me when he came through the front door. But that’s just his style. Control in every situation. It’s all in the smile. And with that innocent baby face mug, he instinctively knew how to use his looks—including those two subtle bottom teeth.
When his eyes suggest, “That’s the way I roll," he really means it! I gasped as I watched him slam an 8 ounce shot of milk through a nipple like a championship pit crew refueling on the last lap.
There was a humid breeze blowing that afternoon. It was one of those hot Gulf of Mexico kind that comes up through Florida and Alabama with just a hint of blowtorch.
Even the coolest of men will sweat. It makes your nerves jump and your skin itch, even if you’re an Atlanta native. On afternoons like that, every pool party ends in a contest of the male ego. Testosterone was rampant. Anything could happen.
You might even get a full glass of ‘formula’ from your grandmother with the wink of an eye and a strategic dimple.
He was showing off his manly kick style as he propelled his new float to the ladies’ delight. All eyes were on him. I’d never seen anything like it. He could pretend to take a nap on the float head while his legs were silently moving at fists-of-fury speed. Next thing I know, he’s right next to me with a focused look on his face.
He was curious about the hair growing under my nose. And then told me he wanted it. I said, “Little buddy it’s gonna take a few years for you to grow one.” I could tell right away he wasn’t the patient kind. He was used to getting what he wanted with just some cute sound, usually toward his woman. And he certainly was not one to take “No” from anyone—even Pappa. Well, that’s when it happened. With lightning reflex, he performed the Vulcan nose and ‘stash removal maneuver with near-deadly accuracy.
I was lucky. He let me off with a warning. . . THIS time. Except for the dance contest, which he won hands down, (oh the moves) the evening was an enigmatic blend of peaceful and ADHD. As he left for home he gave me a big hug, one casual glance toward my mustache, and then eye to eye as if to say, “Next time.” I couldn’t worry about it now. I decided to call it a night, shower, and take a long nap.
After all, tomorrow is another day.