In a world where people scream for violence
Against those they disagree with,
Or whatever their reason may be,
There is a sweet voice that calls out louder.
But not every ear will listen.
Though protestors rage vociferously,
Our dear, sweet sister, Wisdom, calls us to turn our backs
On threatening behavior.
She beckons us to do good.
The screamers mock her.
And seek with anger to deny her right to speak.
Her gift is FREE, you see, so it must be useless.
She offers a long Life, Health, Happiness, and more.
The other day
In the “city too busy to hate,”
The city where I drew my first breath,
A young woman was murdered by an angry man.
Her offense?
Too much mayo on his sandwich.
And we shook our heads when we learned of it.
But the next day, we promptly forgot them both.
Be wise; turn your back on the way of the fool.
Listen to our dear sister.
Choose the Way of Life.
Why did he not just remove the excess mayo himself?
How hard could that have been?
Or he could have asked the new hire to go easy on the mayo.
Why not be kind? Patient? Or forgiving?
There is never a good reason for anyone to murder.
Says "The One Who Speaks Life Into Existence.”(Lev 19:18)
Consider every soul precious because of who gave us life.
Life is a wiser choice than death. An amazing concept.
Don’t you think it’s time we choose Life?
Don't you think it's time to listen to our sister?
Copyright 2022,, GaryLanderfelt