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Writer's picture: Gary LanderfeltGary Landerfelt

Updated: Jan 21, 2024

On New Year’s Resolutions:

WHETHER WE BELIEVE IT OR NOT, whether we know it or not, we are all, each, and as a group, part of the unfolding plan of God. We have no way of knowing when the unfolding began, nor when it will have completely unfolded—or if, in fact, ever will. I imagine His plan is enormous, and even more complex.

Solomon penned for us a few facts that he was given by Wisdom, things like “God planted the concept of eternity in our minds, yet gives us absolutely no idea what He’s up to from beginning to end.” Some personal facts only I (and God) know(s) about me make me fidget at times, because I’m not proud of some things I’ve done and I understand that I will be “judged” at a future time for all my choices.

I can neither undo nor unsay anything I have done and/or said. God will not change what he has said and done—forever. But I can find comfort in another morsel from the wise King’s jottings, “God makes everything beautiful in its, (or in his) time.” I want to say I know what that means, but I don't. I have heard no sufficient explanation. Can the Almighty somehow make those ugly things you and I have done turn out beautiful? Will he make them "untrue?"

We are given work to do, responsibilities that Wisdom tells us are “mostly busywork”. And I am amazed that our careers are described as “gifts” from God, that I/we should receive joyfully and give continual thanks for. Some days I find it hard to be properly and honestly thankful.

Solomon also reveals that we spend our lives in a “mist” or in “smoke”. We cannot actually see what we’re doing or know where we’re going. “Mostly smoke comes our way? It's all smoke and a chasing after the wind.” I believe it!

We don't really know much about time and the Creator of time who lives outside of time. “What he has done he has done and it will not be changed.” He has completed everything in a place we only know as a foggy concept called forever. Does anyone have a complete handle on that?

So I have reached some new conclusions about yearly resolutions.

Mine could be the same as many of yours. But as I form my lips to recite them, I pause. I just don’t have a desire anymore to waste time on things God says I will never understand. Doing that is, “meaningless, arrogant, like chasing after the wind,” imagining that by accomplishing them I will achieve some great thing.

This year, I resolve to embrace a handful of words written by a King of Israel thousands of years ago. I don’t believe they were altogether his thoughts, rather perfect hopes of the Eternal One who whispered them into his heart hoping we would one day discover them:

“There’s a right time for everything on earth.” I will ask my creator for wisdom in this matter, going forward.

“It makes no difference what I do, or what anyone else does . . . what matters is to do what God asked me/us to do.” Everything else is "vanity."

I've decided "to have a good time in my remaining days—to taste every last drop of sweetness I can from this life. I will eat, drink, enjoy the sun on my face and the Spirit's breeze in my lungs, the people God brings into my life, and show by doing my best, my gratitude for the “gift,” the WORK God gives me.”

I’m resolved to stop asking, “Why?” I’ve ascended too many questions like that. I will instead “be genuinely grateful for whatever comes my way," though sometimes I may have to take a long cleansing breath first. "Whatever God does, that’s the way it’s going to be, always. He’s done it and that’s it. Who can change it? So, I’ll stop whining for explanations and simply worship Him with holy fear.”

Yes, I know these resolutions are quite challenging. But . . .

Ahhhhh. Isn't it great to know so little and admit it? I'm witnessing the unveiling of this ancient truth: "He’s making life become more beautiful already!"

And so for 2024 and beyond, I wish you a Joyful and Prosperous New Year, Dear Friends!

Copyright January 2024 Gary Landerfelt.

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