1) GOD IS ONE. So, how could God be 3 (three) and still be 1? We may reason 1+1+1=3. But what if God were 1x1x1? We humans are 3-D creatures living in a 3-D universe & world. Do you see where I’m going with this?
2) The Bible tells us that God created everything with his thoughts & words. He created us in his image. We think and speak. WE want to create good things. Sooooo . . . How might we do that? 3) The Bible describes God as “generous.” He asks us to imitate him. God says he is always watching and will give more back to us than we give to him or anyone in need. What would happen if we started offering more in every imaginable way?
4) “The Friend” (aka the Holy Spirit) who lives inside believers produces "fruit" in us. Nine different ‘fruits’ are listed, 1×1×1×1×1×1×1×1×1, which is considered to be singular. (Refer to 1). If the Spirit produces fruit in us, how would we act, and what might we become? (Refer to: Galatians 5).
5) Every test in life is open-book. Open the Book!
© March 2019, All rights reserved, Updated January 2025, Gary Landerfelt, mypericope.com,